We would like to share with you some of the reasons why we enjoy the Gator home games. No Peanuts or Cracker Jacks, but...
10. Kell likes to scout the stands for cutting edge Gator accessories, (i.e hair clips, bows, etc.)
9. It is exciting to watch some of the top amateur baseball talent in the country.
8. Explaining some of the nuances of the game to Kell, who has come along way in her understanding and appreciation of the game over the last 5 years.
7. Sound effects when foul balls go flying out of the park.
6. Overhearing some of the idiotic comments from fans who swear they know everything about the Gators and the game.

4. Double Play.
3. Catching free T-shirts for my wife (which happened Friday night.)
2. The sounds of the game.
1. Fried Oreos. If you haven't tried them, you are missing out.