Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Towel Creations

I planned on wrapping up my cruise posts a while ago however, a virus attacked my computer and I almost lost everything! YIKES! Bobby got everything back to good though, so here I am! Each day on the cruise I looked forward to finding our towel creation when we would go back to our room.  Here are some pics of the creations.
Day 1: Not sure what this is... :)

Day 2: Pretty sure this one is a crab!

Day 3: The Carnival Mascot. The Elephant!

Day 4: The Pig

Day 5: Possibly a Lemur... pretty cool whatever it was!

Day 6: Maybe some kind of cat?

Day 7: A flower.

All week I had been looking forward to the Towel Folding Class/Demonstration. They final had it on our last day sailing!

The Dog. Made by Yours Truly!

Snuck a pic on our own camera with the Carnival Mascot! So cute!

My Elephant!

Thanks for looking!

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