So, over New Years, our friend Lindsey mentioned to Kelly about a place in Birmingham that she's been to called Sips and Strokes, where you go to learn how to paint a specific piece, with instruction and you can bring your own booze. Kell was very envious and wished that Gainesville had a Sips and Strokes. Well, on our way home she just happened to notice an ad in the Giggle Magazine for a local company called
Corks and Colors, and was ecstatic. So, she has been eager to go ever since.
Well, for Valentines Day, we thought that it would be a cool idea to attend the couples night at Corks and Colors, to paint "Funky Tree."
The Template
Kell's unCorked sangria and blank canvas
Initially, Kell and I thought that we would each do our own rendition of "Funky Tree", but when the instructor suggested that couples could also combine their pictures into a two canvas piece, we jumped on the idea.
Our initial outline of the design, side by side
Can you tell which side is Kell's and which side is mine yet? Below is your first clue...
Kell's half, the trunk
My half, the tree limbs
Getting closer....
Here are a few views of some other renditions in the class as the other patrons paint away.
And our finished product...
We had a great time and are looking forward to the next opportunity.