Hey Friends!

So far Chicago has been
great! We spent the weekend with our good friend, Matt, who showed us what it's like to live here. The
cOoLeSt part about hanging with him, in his neck-of-the-woods, is that
WRIGLEY FIELD is 3 blocks from his place! We are going to see the Cubbies play on Thursday!
We also got to see some nice shops and apartment buildings. One of the apartments we saw had a
basketball court on the roof! Too cool!
Here are some more cool things we saw:
the camo-ish doors of a salon, a cool red dress sculpture, and a cute owl sign of a boutique!
Next... we head downtown to the Loop!
Have so much fun while you are in Chicago - I love that place! And keep your eyes peeled, my family and I have seen Oprah on two different occasions out walking in the parks around town :)